Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Brigham City Pioneer Day Gathering, 2014

On Saturday evening, July 19, 2014, people from Brigham City and surrounding communities gathered in the historic Box Elder Tabernacle for an evening of music and history.  The music was entertaining and well done.  The presentation of the evening was by Frederick M. Huchel, who entitled his remarks "Old Box Elder."

This is a photograph taken during the presentation.  Frederick Huchel is at the podium.  Mark B. Forsgren is seated to the left, in a chair made by his great grandfather, Oscar Forsgren.  Mark's great great grandfather, Peter Adolph Forsgren, one of Brigham City's earliest pioneers, sat on the same chair as Box Elder Stake Patriarch.
In this photograph, of the funeral of stake president Charles Kelly, patriarch Peter Adolph Forsgren is sitting in the chair make by his son, to the left of the podium, with his magnificent long white beard.
Frederick M.  Huchel's presentation, "Old Box Elder," has been published as a pamphlet, with over 44 illustrations.  It is available at lulu.com/spotlight/Ripliancum.

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